Tuesday, December 12, 2006

the simple things that do it why??

I have had a funny couple of days and i think that the enemy has come in on tht really..(as ever he is a coward)
today i am really quite weepy
I spent teh day with my son and his girlfriend away from home except I popped back at lunch time for some food. (had this feeling that I was intruding like I should not be here almost as if i had upset those that were here just by being here!!!!
Any way I had to pop to rugby and on theway stopped off to fill the car I know that I was distracted by the atmosphere I thought that I picked up on and then John and kib had a bit of an arguement so there was atmophere in the car. stopped off to get petrol and then put teh expensive stuff in, this was playing on my mind.
then I got all in my head about how much I have taken just recently my needs from common purse seem to out weight what I am giving
I know that part of closing down a property and a child starting school costs
I am in bits now infact I have written a note to my common purse decon coz I feel so bad
I know that it is not a massive thing but in my head it is and now I am looking for ways to get by with out the things I need just to cut down on my demands
I know that I have to get through agape tonight which is normally the high light of the week for me
this is so much harder than I ever thought that it was going to be

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