Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home is where???? it's where my heart belongs

Last night some of us got together well About 50 of us gathered together at kings house one of the community houses to explore community. Words are often limited for me (well words that express things properly) it was totally awesomlty amazingly beautiful And that does not scratch the surface.
We talked about brotherhood ( don't get hung up and the brother bit it is about relationship only more and deeper and more comitted and more just more) We talked about money and why we choose not to have any personal money (now I thought that was always going to be my stumbling block but so far I am loving it do not get me wrong I have my struggles but on balance it is much less of a struggle than when you ahve to deal with personal finacees) We talked about kingdom marriage and celibacy.
It was so awesome the room was full of my wonderfully diverse family.
There were folks that have been around since community was in its infacy and the love and knowledge that they share is so valuable (we owe them so much) there were those that have come in ove the years and some like myself that are only babies in comunity and then there are thos that are waiting and aching to join so lovely we were leveled there was no dividing lines we were just family gathered to talk about this wonderfully God inspired culture where we all are equal
the evenign vanished as we finshed sat around an open fire driking hot soup and munching on warm crusty rolls and gingerbread men
simplicy rocks

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