Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The last couple of weeks have been and amazing time in our church and in my life personally I have meet with God in a new way and a powerful way.
In him I have found a confidence and a need of him that I have never experinced.. but how I need more. I realised that I am only scratching the surface.
We never know how much time we have here to make a difference, to guide others to the ultimate love and peace that is for eternity.
today is a sad day we heard that a dear brother went to glory last night and we ache for those that are left behind but there is also a joy knowing that he is safe in the arms of his Father.
also I had news that a dear friend who has been a mum to me for many years is deteriating fast she has lukemia and has had her 2nd course of chemo but has had a fall this week and has picked up a few nasty infections and being the selfish person that I am I want God to take her into his arms and receive her home.
she has and continues to be an inspiration of grace and corage and I love her dearly but can not bring myself to visit her.
She has held me so many times while I broke my heart she watch as life broke me as poor mental health stole years from me and my family praying and supporting me.
She has rejoiced in watching God restore and rebuild me
But I can not bring myself to visit her I use every excuse there is going I love her so much but I know that I will just crumble if I go visit her and I do not want to do that so I love her at a distace someting she never did with me
Please do not judge me or condem me as I do that for myself
so why this post
I am just aware that Gods peace is often hidden in circumstances and we look at what we are going through and that is often what drives us but i know that when we say God this hurts so much them and only then can he come with wisdom and hold us and pour soothing oil on opur pain and take us on to the next level of trust in him
And as selfish as I am I know that God will hold me and teach me through this
if you read this and have a spare moment please pray for my friend she is a very special Lady and one that has lead many folks in to the loving arms of the father he mortal body may be weak but her spirit is strong
God bless you my friend

Monday, April 16, 2007

beyond words

over the last couple of weeks as a church we have been experincing a new wave of love and power through Holy spirit annoitings
It is a time of change for many of us, Also a time of great beauty.
I have watched as God has moved, I watched as God has moved on my own children and also those tht I have come to see as children from God.
this has to be something that moves us forward as a church. If we were to keep all that God is doing for our own selfish gratification then God will remove it from us.
Last weekend we gathered as a whole national church for one of our bank holiday weekend festivals. There was a real battle for me leading up to this and I was not too sure where it was going to go for me personally I really did feel quite daunted but also there was a real feeling of excitment and expectation.
On teh saturday all of my children we at the marquee that has not happened in possibly 3 years so that was a time of real lifting in my soul and beauty from God reaffirming to me that he is iin the driving seat.
I have to be honest I really did not gain from the saturday for many reasons.
But I went with a desire and a need to see something shift in my soul.
In the morning I just rested in God But was determind That I was not going to leave the evning without a change having gone on inside of me, but it had to be something that I could grasp hold of to run with God and to impact in a tiny way his Kingdom to bring glory to him not me.
I saw a brother praying with some sister and watched the holyspirit move over them and annoit them I was determind that I wanted some of it too so myself and a young sister that I care for went over and joined in soon we were praying like we have never prayed before mixed with deep laughter like I have never experinced before and we were praying for everyone that walked passed us with a urgency becasue we wanted everyone to experince the love and power that we were it was so beutiful and totally infectious.
during the response time I know that I just had to pray with others this was too beautiful and way too pawerful to hold on to.
I went and prayed with some romanian children they received so easily they asked to speak in tounges and just received it was awesome.
Then I turned around and saw my 11yr old son on stage worshipping arms streaced receiving and it brough me to tears and all the fears that I hold on so tightly too for my children we lifted
later I found out that he had fallen under the spirit and was almost carried home that night
the next day he went up on stae to testify about the Love of God and hey God meet him again and he was again annoited and fell down under the spirit so beautiful and then I watched as he prayed for others this was such a new release for him
and my daughter well read her blog if it crys love it
and this week God has continuded to take us on and on sunday I saw my son in floods of tears it seems that his caring brother had asked God for the gift of tears for himself and My son received it instead truely beautiful maybe he should pray and ask God to bless this brother with tears
any way I could go on all day but I will not