Wednesday, January 03, 2007

which cut is the deepest???? God the ultimate surgeon

Free falling with out a paracute

well this is how I have felt over the last few days.
there is so much that has been going on in my soul, God in his faithful love and mercy has been repairing the holes that life made in my soul.
Sometimes I feel that there is so much going on I am not really sure if I will come through the other side but I am held secure, in the arms of Father, although I do not always realise it at the time.
Don't we long to have a dad that puts his arms around us and say This is my son/ daughter- I am proud of him/her?

I long to be in a place where I can climb on to Fathers lap rest my head on his ches
t and feel the beating of his heart

I know that I am not there yet.

I know that all too often I say that is far enough stop do not go there and lock a padlock back on the pain .

Burning Bridges
This week has been a week of intense pain and greiving
but I know that what I am enduring is about eternity

I handed the keys on what was home and I closed down my
personal bank accounts
I have longed for this time for 15 years and finally god in his grace has gratned my hearts desire But it was tough but I know that as press into God and my brethren I know that the goal is worth more than anything this world has too offer.

So I am now at a fresh point in life and I know that God in his

Will be faithful and honour my heart cry

So here is to the sunrise for us as a family
not just the children and my self by promise and the church

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