Tuesday, June 20, 2006

when life is a washing machine

do you ever have one of those days where you feel that you ahve been in dragged inside out and twirled around and then thrown out like a drowned rat??? well if you ahve you will know that feeling..
I drove home today thinking I can not go on i really wanna do some serious damage...
I do not know if you know that feeling...... But i know all to well how i would then feel if i dod I would be back into a cyle of guilt and failure... And the only one that gets the glory then is the devil and i am soooooooo not going there he has enough attention not willing to give him more.
so I had 2 options i could go down the route of negativity or a i could jump in the car go home scream at God forgive the folks that had stired up all the pain and anger i feel and maybe txt a mate and say pray for me i feel vunerable and weak. and i am in a serious risk factor of going down a path that God is healing me from.
so that is what i did i txt a mate and i came home looked at my kids having screamed a bit at God and realised the blessing that behold me and vocalised my gratitiude to the father in the full knowlede That i am a daughter of the most high God who has been damaged by the devil but i am in the process of being healing by the most high Father
so even though i feel like a drowned rat in the physical i knwo that i am am standing on the true rock and walking in the vicory that was bought at the highest price possible by my creator God
so that i can realise the freedom that his cruel humiliating death has bought for me

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