Thursday, June 15, 2006

what is freedom?

I am not one for qouting scripture coz my head doe not hold it in long enough for me to recall it...
But today i was dwelling on what freedom is, and here are a few thoughts
it is when nolonger my needs are ahead of my brother/sister when God and his church are paramount in my life.
It is when i reach the point where I look and realise that I do not give in to my wants,
I ahve a real issue with possessions so many will say is it not crazy to give up all and move in to community where youi are called to live as simply as possible and to share all. And i say no it is no mistake it is freedom and healing.
My biggest issues in my life are becasue i have too many choices and I know that God is healing me through reducing my choices becasue choice for me is where sin has a real foot hold in my life
I have for many years suffered from quite a diblitating condition called ocd (obcessive complusive disorder) It is about feeling safe, and God is leading me by the hand in to this safety that I have been craving for many years.
So how does ocd manifest it self in me. well it is about making sure that i all situations are covered i.e like making sure that the petrol tank in my car is full or my food cupboard etc
what ever it is it has to be full or empty there is no middle ground so to live simply is stepping in to freedom.
I have not been challenged on these issues yet but i know that my discipleship is on its way and what do I say
I say bring it on one step closer to freedom and in God i can soar in the heavenlies and find the freedom of style 3 living

1 comment:

Just teejay said...

Just a quick hi and hello and welcome to blogdom..been reading your replies on others blogs and it's great to see you've now a blog of your own

: ) The TJ