Tuesday, September 26, 2006

pain people inflict!!!!

I was thinking to myself how many of us really think about how our word/actins affect others
I know that I only really think about how others hurt me or how I see unfairness toward others
I never really understand people to much and I know that I rarely think about why a person acts or reacts in a certain manner.
I know that I am all to erady to defend my own actions and I am al too ready to say well i do this becasue of what happened x number of times or years ago to me.
But this weekend I was reminded in a massive way that we are new creation beings the old has died and we are or should be living new creation.
I have watch my daughter becoming transformed over this summer and she challenges me on my excuses all of the time.
She has stepped well more like run out of the darkness of damage and pain that she had inflicted on her or took on herself and has lept into being new creation and living very much in the light of healing.
I know that I hvae so much to learn from the simplicity that she sees
Having said all of the above it is not always so simple to live it out (in my humble opinion) or is that a cope out I will let you decide
I know that I am challenged to see God more clearly and to allow his love/lite and healing to move deeper into my
How easy ti is for us to become ineffective as christians by what has happened in the past that we choose to drag into our future.
I know all too well how easy it is for me to get into my head and to find every excuse not to move in my new creations erbirth and that is where my brothers and sisters around me challenge me
I kow with some of the stuff that I have been encountering recently I would have not coped in the past I would have slipped out of the healing that God has blessed me with and moved in to the old darkenss which for me was depression
because of the family God has surrounded me with I can move in the light of his healing and I can continue to be effective and build the kingdom today and not sit around proclaiming we are in the end times and life is doomed so why bother
this is all a bit random but I hope that you can sort of gleen something from it
no matte how dark things have been in the past no matter what the pain today you are a new creation and you can live in it with the help of your brothers/sister
I know that they are the hands that stop me from falling
I would not have it any other way

1 comment:

s0upy said...
