Friday, August 04, 2006

travelling lighter !!!!!

I went back to my roots this week to spend time with my folks.
my relationship with my mum has not always been easy and my dad bless him drives me nuts.
But in it all i know that they need jesus and I relise how i need the grace to accept them in all that they are. And realising that Folks around me also need a bucketful of grace to cope with me is a humbling experince.
It is all to easy to see other folks faults and to major on what is wrong with others and to think that we are perfect is all to easy.
It is when we begin to realise that we are the ones that are difficult and do not fit in the perfect square hole that is when God can reach us and begin to mold us into something that has the potential to be beautiful.

Last week I went away to vist some friends at a community house up north even though they share my vision and live community I craved to be home (promise) with the living stones which i am building with.
Going away this week just seemed to be harder than ever.
Do not get me wrong I love my parents so much. I arrived back at Whitestone to pick my daughter up and when I walked in they had begun their grace time and I realised just being in the world for a a couple of days hiow dry I had become.
That may sound strange but It has made me realise how vigilant I need to be over the things of the spirit.
I got home to promise and realised just how out of sorts I was and spent a while just soaking in the spirit that was around the house there was noone around as everyone had gone out to tea or had already gone to bed. But he spirit of the house was one of restoring me.
II went off to bed and just rested in God
I have woken this morning there is still noone around but that does not matter as there is a beautiful spirit around and once the day gets going folks will be popping up and I have the joy of preparing a meal for my family to return home to.
Now that is natural family
Ah Lord may my blood family see you and your Kingdom

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