Wednesday, September 27, 2006

when you think about nothing

I was thinking the other day and realised just how much time I think about nothing.
I know that sounds crazy, But I am realising that nothing is ever silent.
If you manage to find somewhere that you think is silent listen and you will hear somehing weather it is the wind or the beating of your own heart, or it might be a creak or a sqeek but we live in a world that is totally filled with sound.
You may be wondering what has brought me to this place of thinking about this. Well some of you will know that I have reduced hearing well I now only have 20% natural hearing and I am very reliant now on the two digital hearing aids that I have been blessed to receive, well one day last week I lost the hearing comepletely even with the aids in one of my ears, to say that I was freaked out was a bit of an understatement, But it is funnty how other senses seem to over compensate when you lose one. Any way A senoir leader prayed and the next day my hearing was restored back to where it had been the day before I still beleive that God will one day restore it fully but I be;leive that i have learnign curve to negoitae first.
any way in all of this I realised that no matter how much I think I realised that so much of my thinking is taken up with nothing so many times folks have said what did you think about today and I do not have a clue yet I realise that my mind like my workd is never still I ahve this capacity to fill my mind and my space with nothing so much of my life seems to drift past me.
so i was thinking that God has a plan for my nothing ness so I am going on a nothingness fast
when I realise that I am in nothing land i am going to be active and put my willl and spirit into action
it is going to be a bit like an atlete training for a race I know that it is not going to happen over night but I know that passivity drains the mind and soul and it is one of the devils pots to render me inaffective as a christian
so if you see me drifting off into nothing land please remind me I am in training
I will reach the finish line and I will receive the goal that God has set out for me I will be an affective sister and bring glory to the king that is worthy of what ever small offering I ma able to bring and lay at his feet
thanks for reading my random ramblings

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